Pollution is an alarming topic and definitely the need of the hour. If we calculate from today to the year 2020 the top five cities in India will release almost 1 Billion tonnes of pollution just from the cities’ vehicles. With Hyderabad’s metro all set to be opened next month, the amount of pollution that is going to be emitted from the trains should be of our concern now. This is what bothered director Nag Ashwin to make him start a petition against it and take it to Telangana government’s notice.

His idea is to make the metro project 100% solar as they take up a lot of electricity to run the trains as well as light the stations. As our metro is going to be one of the biggest in the country, it is expected to transport 17 lakh people per day. Instead of buying electricity for this purpose, it can be invested in building up solar panels that can exclusively feed our metro for the next 20 years. Delhi and Kochi metro are already exploring this idea. So this can be included in the metro rail project to make it completely pollution free. Kochi airport already holds the record for being World’s first airport which runs totally on solar power. If the same happens with the Hyderabad Metro, it will also become the first of such kind in the whole world. And also 17 lakhs of people can be transported everyday without emitting even a single unit of pollution.

Many people can be seen supporting this petition. Actor Nani shared this petition on his Facebook earlier, promoting this good cause. It’s all adding up and each and every vote counts. After reaching 1 million votes, this petition will be sent to CM KCR and KTR. So please vote and make this end to end clean idea of making Hyderabad Metro 100% solar a reality.