Contributed By: Lonely Girl
A whole week past by with a soothing breeze just because of a song. July 13,2018 marks it after a long time brought so much excitement which made to put the voice of soul on paper and express finally how It felt about "romance".

On a regular waking up day marked to a special message; I would call it from the one my life tied up to and doesn't want to give up on. The special song featured from, Gita Govindam. Here, neither I am Gita nor he is Govindam yet a simple song with those names as characters brought so much joy and ponder the memory lane of a rather intimate relationship.

This sounds like why so many words why not name it or say it out loud as commonly said my boyfriend or partner or lover. Yet I do not choose to, they aren't the right words to call the relationship we cherish. Persay, he is the most the unexpressive person I ever met though he made me feel romantic, shy, angry etc., all for him. So It will be unfair to call him ANYTHING. Without no further delay got to say I am soooo... glad, he finally found a way to express his feelings in words because of this one song was written by lyricist Mr. Anantha Sriram and Composed by Gopi Sundar. It said a lot of things in one little song of a few minutes drew up all the memories buried of how my perfect man fall over his knees for me. Hearing it from the man would make any woman blush blue.

The lyrics call upon a subtle romance between two people when they first meet. Its exactly the same in our case of it went. The person who’s unable to articulate enough to express the mixed feelings he went through walking or being around me; disproved my belief in cinematic romances not be happening in real life. I thank the lyricist, Composer and the singer for doing this to us or for many couples having trouble communicating; how complex they feel when they love one person for everything they are. This song gave my favorite person a voice to finally say how much I meant to him.

Until now I thought its a million in one chance that I will ever love romcoms but for this movie now I am eagerly waiting. There is something about the video too, I can't speak for everyone but according to what I heard from my partner, its kinda snippet for events happened with him (or Us) at least. As he was not amazing with words I decided to be the twit. I am hoping many more couples would find their best memories in one and find ways to emote their mixed complex feelings in the most romantic blast. I actually can't stop listening to it, living in far away world this gave me a happy the fervor to spend a week without worrying.
I guess it's going to be on my top line playlist for many more weeks to go. Finally Congratulations to Gita Govindam team and special thanks to Anantha Sriram Garu for the beautiful words.