The Warriors Who Were Said To Have Survived The Great Mahabharatha War!

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The Warriors Who Were Said To Have Survived The Great Mahabharatha War!
Brother clashed against brother, student drew blood from his teacher, family feuds never had such a grand stage before and never will again. The Mahabharatha, India's greatest epic about a clash of clans, that has captured imaginations of people since centuries. The epic has had many re-telling's over the years. Currently, efforts are on to determine whether this epic story is fact or fiction. According to a rough approximation, based on the star constellations mentioned in several scenes of the epic, it probably happened in the Mrugashirsha Shukla Ekadasi BCE 3138 (5154 years before A.D. 2016). Most of the 90’s kid will definitely remember the doordarshan’s Sunday entertainment of Mahabharatha and still have a vague memory of it. Thanks to popular culture we all know much about the Kurukshetra war. An Akshauhini is a unit of measurement used to measure the troops in an army. An Akshauhini was said to consist of 21,870 elephants, 21,870 chariots, 65,610 Horses, and 109,350 foot soldiers. It is said that the Pandavas went to war with an army of 7 Akshauhini while the Kauravas had an army of 11 Akshauhini. All it took was 18 days for these great warriors to decimate each others armies. You could count the survivors of this war on your fingers, such was the destruction that was wrought. Do you know how many warriors actually survived the war. 1. Lord Sri Krishna: The lord of the world lived on to see the decimation of his whole clan. 1 2. The Pandavas: Victorious, the Pandavas established a righteous rule that lasted for several millennia. 2 3. Pitamaha Bhishma: The Grand Preceptor of the Kuru race had received a boon that allowed him to choose the moment of his death. After he was defeated by Arjuna, he lay on the bed of arrows and waited until the arrival of the Uttarayana to give up his life. 3 4. Kulaguru Kripacharya: Kripacharya continued his duties as the teacher of the Kuru's. 4 5. Krutaverma: A fearless Vrishni warrior! 5 6. Ashwathama: Ashwatthama's Darstadly act forced Lord Krishna to curse him to live on as a cripple until the end of Kaliyug! 6 7. Vrishaketu: Vrishaketu was the son of Karna, born of a suta woman. 7 8. Yuyutsu: Yuyutsu opposed the ways of his brothers from the start. 8 9. Satyaki: Satyaki, was Krishna's cousin and loyal aide. 9