From her childhood Haritha Shree has had a passion for fine arts. She started doing portraits from her eighth standard. In 2013, She made a facebook page to display her artworks as well as to take orders on sketches, paintings etc. Now she is pursuing her Bachelors degree in sciences. Yet she does artworks as a profession from home. This is her work on Baahubali, in her own words!
"Work in progress with COFFEEE!!!!!
A few more details to be added yet...dying to complete it...
First of all gave a tint to the paper with very mild coffee.
Then gave a hot press to make it stiff.
Started adding the details.
And this is what I arrived at!"
And the Final result is mindblowing!
Bonus: She has also done works on other actors. Check them out as well!
Nitya Menon
You can see more of her work, and order your paintings to be done(for a "commission") at Commissioned Portraits.