8 Reasons Why You Should Wish You Were As Cool As Rani Rudramadevi!

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8 Reasons Why You Should Wish You Were As Cool As Rani Rudramadevi!
So the Telugu kingdom only had one badass ruling Queen in history. And the internet agrees with us. Ruling over the Kakatiya Kingdom from 1259 to 1289, she made her name as a fierce queen and an awesome administrator. Here are some reasons why she is badass and why we should aspire to be as badass as her. 1. She was 14 when she started ruling over the Kakatiya Empire and became the lawful Queen at 21. What were you doing when you were 14? rani_rudrama_devi 2. Something called Putrika Ceremony was performed to sacredly deem her a boy and renamed her Rudradeva, You know ‘cos only men being kings was a thing. Rani-Rudrama-Devi2 3. However, she challenged the ideology and embraced her name and claimed her title as an emperor, making her one of the very few ruling queens of India. rani(2) 4. Her step-brothers tried really hard to overthrow her but she effortlessly waded through it because everyone loved her already. rudramma' 5. She defended the kingdom and led her army against the very powerful Cholas and Yadavas which pretty much shut the mouths of everyone who doubted her awesomeness. New-Look-of-the-Warrior-Queen--still-of anusjka-in-Rudhramadevi- 6. Despite being the badass queen she was she had a soft side. She distributed war damages paid by the defeated kings to her soldiers. rudra 7. Rudramadevi was childless but she chose to adopt which was pretty cool for the time. She probably adopted a son so he could succeed her, right? Wrong! She adopted two daughters who shared the burden of the kingdom with their husbands of the Chalukya Dynasty. rud 8. No one knows how she died. Only recently the place of her death was uncovered in Chandupatla. How she died, is still a mystery. 10917865_458532177644991_2408813517486177295_n