8 Most Important NEWS Which were Completely Ignored By Our Telugu Media For The Past 10 Days!

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8 Most Important NEWS Which were Completely Ignored By Our Telugu Media For The Past 10 Days!
“Responsibility is the most important element of freedom. Unfortunately,the media has misunderstood the meaning of the freedom”.Quoted by a Journalist. Telugu People were Sick and Tired of the Media Houses for their Own Hidden Agendas and their Hunger for TRP’s.From the Past 10 days with no other news being given importance the Common People are completely unaware about the Matters of Utmost Importance.Here’s an Article With the Incidents/Issues which were Completely Ignored by our So Called Top Media Houses .(Excluding one or two genuine news channels) 1.Kathua – Unnav Rape Incidents The Most Burning Topic Nation Wide. Blood Boiling issue for each and every Human.Women,Youth even Common Citizens are raising their voices against the heinous rape incidents.Social Workers in National media are dumping the politicians for their politics on these issues.Women and Girls are Questioning about their Safety. Every one is demanding for Justice for Asifa and Unnav incident victims. Protests are going on all around the country. But In our Telugu Media,No Discussions,No Debates,No Stories on those incidents….
2.Chemical Attacks in Syria – Counter Attacks by USA. The Syrian Government is being alleged for Chemical Attacks on the cities which are under the control of Rebels.To Counter this USA along with,Britain and France had launched airstrikes against Syrian research, storage and military targets. With these attacks there has been a discussion worldwide on the 3rd world war which may begin if Russia interferes in support of Syria . Sorry to the Civilians of Syria… You people and your lives doesn’t matter to our Media.You cant give interviews with bleeding wounds.Above all,You Wont Blame Pawan Kalyan for his silence over Syrian Presidents Chemical Attacks and US’s Counter Attacks.
3.Cash Crunch All over India Demonitization Days are Back.All the states exempting two are three are facing Serious Cash Crunch.Common People are unable to withdraw their salaries.Even for Medical emergencies People are unable to get cash.In the Hot Summer Elder People are on roads in search of Money in ATM’s.This Problem is turning worse day by day… But Asusual,No Media Cares.No Socalled Top Media Houses reported the ground reality.The Voice of Common man was Unheard.
4.Common Wealth Games – 5 Telugites Brought us Medals. In The Prestigious Common Wealth Games – 2018 India Stood in 3rd Position With 66 Medals out of which 5 medals are from our Telugites.Saina Nehwal – Gold,Venkata Rahul – Gold,PV Sindhu – Silver,Kidambi Srikanth – Silver,Sikki Reddy – Bronze .These Athletes made our Tricolour Fly High with Pride in Gold Coast.Earlier Media used to Celebrate their Success with Special Interviews and their Success stories.But now People were unaware even about their Whereabouts. Dear Athletes,You might have been Champions.But Sorry You Wont Fetch any TRP for our Media.Better Luck Next Time.
5.Mecca Masjid Bomb Blast Case Verdict The NIA Court has delivered its Verdict on 11 Year Old Mecca Masjid Bomb Blast case,Where 9 were killed in the Blast . NIA court acquited all the accused due to lack of evidence. The Special NIA judge Ravindra Reddy resigned post the verdict . This Highly Sensitive News has become just a random scrolling news for our Media.
6.B.R Ambedkar’s Birth Anniversary The Most Intellectual Man.The Genius who penned the Constitution of the Largest Democratic Nation was completely ignored on his birthday.Earlier there used to be Special Stories on Amdekars Life,his Philosophies and his contributions .Special Discussions used to be conducted discussing his ideals in todays Society. Sorry Ambedkar.You Might be the reason for our freedom of Expression and Speech. But Poor Ambedkar,You are not a TRP Material for our Media.
7.Surat Rape Incident – The Girl is from Andhra Coming back to the rape incident.The 11 year young Girl who went missing in last October was found dead after being brutally raped with 86 wounds on her body, including her private parts. She was just a 2 minute news in the news bulletin .Sorry Dear,We were not even informed about you and your pain.
8.Andhra Pradesh Special Status Agitation How many of us remember that State Wide Bundh was Conducted in AP on 16 of April.All the Political Parties,Public Communities,Common people had participated in Bundh Voluntarily . The Core Issue of 5 Crore Andhra Pradesh People.Matter of Utmost Importance was completely sidetracked,ignored and kept in cold storage by our Top Media Houses.The Word Special Category Status was not even uttered by anyone since couple of days.Hail our Media.
Before Concluding Few Words from a Poor Stupid Common Man Dear Media This isn’t Your Fault,Not at all …Its Our Fault. Sorry – We Trusted You Thank You – You’ve Enlightened us &United Us Congrats – You Lost Your Credibility and Our Trust.