"Arcotia" A Short Film Depicting A Night Between A Thief And An Old Lonely Man Will Surely Make You Emotional!

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"Arcotia" A Short Film Depicting A Night Between A Thief And An Old Lonely Man Will Surely Make You Emotional!

What do you do when you find an intruder in your house at the wee hours of the day? Call the cops? But you definitely don’t make him sit for Chai and have a lively discussion. This short film ‘Arcotia’ is a different take on the above on how a mere rendezvous with a thief can bring you a new best friend. This short film starts in a usual way but takes a turn in the first five minutes itself. Even though he is a thief you can’t help but empathize with him and feel sorry for him. The flaws of the society are subtly shown, making them less preachy and more thought-provoking. The sensible elements and the bitter ways that a life hits a person are depicted in the most natural way. This creative genius of a short film is definitely a must watch and of course a breath of fresh air in among the common romantic genre we usually come across in that area.